
Congrats Joanna :D

I want it to be my High School Graduation Day again! It's soooo much funnnn! This friday, I went to Joannas graduation from Viktor Rydbergs Gymnasium at Odenplan. First, I went to her "Utspring" (everyone runs out from the School building and sing the Graduation song). 

Joanna after graduation, so pretty! 

Then I got to ride flak with her. That is one of the most fun things you can ever do. It's a tradition in Sweden, that after you graduate, you and your friends decorate a big open truck and ride in it for a couple of hours around the city. It's loud and it's wet. I've heard beer is good for your hair, me and Joanna got a deep hair treatment :) 

On the "Flak"

We were soaked in beer when we took the Subway home to Joanna's house where her Graduation reception already had started. There where a lot of people there and a delicious buffet. We had a really nice time, eating, talking with some long time no see friends, watching Joanna open all her graduation presents. A beautiful Day! 


House Work

This week, my dad is hiring me. Im gonna work with different stuff on the house and in the garden a couple of hours each day between swim practices. This is what I have to do: Put oil on all the fences and terrace floors, paint the white parts of the house, clean the pool so we can put water in it and remove grass from in between the stone plates in front of the pool (this is very annoying and extremely boring...). 
Its not that bad to do all this if its sunny and I have nothing better to do anyways ;)


Dead Feet

Friday night was a wonderful night out in Stockholm. Me and Joanna went to Söder and chilled at some bars there. At like 1 am we decided to walk all the way to Sthlm city. It was a fun walk. Our feet hurt... and when we got there, our feet were so tired so no dancing :( We ended up with ice cream at Mcdonalds instead :) They had a new McFlurry that is my absolute fav from now on - Marängsviss! :D 
Saturday night, we had dinner with some long time no see family friends. I was a good daughter and drove my parents home :)  We had a nice time there and we ate a lot. Otherwise, a pretty unproductive saturday.
The weather is getting really nice here now. Sunday was beautiful. We ate lunch at my Grandparents house at the balcony and it was so hot and sunny! 



I'm sitting in my room, listening to Wet Sand by lovely Red Hot Chili peppers, having some Red Wine in a REAL wine glass. I just thought about that there are like no forest in Louisville. At least not as much as here. There is are a lot of forest right outside my window. Americans would probably think it's very weird that I live in a forest.
I'm pretty tired, I had long course morning practice in Eriksdalsbadet and Afternoon practice in Torvalla. A4 practice this afternoon. We did some A4 kicking also, and after the set I introduced Demerae's Special to my swim team. It was fun, I did a 50 on 25.1 (SC Meters). 
Well, time for bed now - morning practice tomorrow! :)



Im home in Sweden now!! I've been here for like more than a week and I haven't written anything yet because I just didn't. Sorry, Well, whatever I decided to write in english (at least during the summer) so that everyone can read. 

The flight home was good, it went by pretty fast. I thought I was gonna get swine flu on the plane from Louisville to NY because I sat next to a mysterious asian guy with a mouth cover and weird pills in his bag. But I survived. On the next plane I watched 1.5 movies and slept for almost 2 hours. In London, I had to run to my flight to make the plane, and I was very tired (American time about 1 am) but I couldn't sleep, I was so excited! I just couldn't stand still when I was waiting for my luggage, I knew that my parents were waiting for me outside. My bags came out almost first, then I hurried out the gates and where my Mom and Dad were standing!! It felt so good to give them an enormous hug :)
We drove right to my grandparents house from the airport and I got to meet grandma and grandpa! My grandmother Eva made a delicious swedish lunch for us ;) 
I got to see my sister later that night when she came home from my club team's training camp at Malta. So funnn! I've missed her A LOT. 

On tuesday, I got to see all my swim friends and my coach at practice! It was so fun to see them again, and in some weird way, it didn't seem that long ago. CC was there too (she visited me in Louisville) and she looks like an african. Her hair is done in long, thick braids that looks like they weigh 5 pounds (extensions). Heavy. It looks really good on her but she looks like an egg head in her swim cap. Haha. 

This week, I've practiced as much as I can to try to keep up with the Louisville tempo. I did weights by myself and it's not the same thing at all. No jason, no team, no cheering. But it's fine, I can handle it for 6 weeks :) I've got my coach Carl that helps me, and sometimes we do weights together. 
I've also met some other Swedish friends (I wish I could meet my two bests but they decided to leave for Australia like 2 weeeks ago... :/ ) this week. Yesterday I visited Markus in his apartment and I got to ride the Subway! Yay! I've missed that. 
It was a pretty nice day today so me and my friend David had picnic in the forrest by my house. But as we got there, it got more and more cloudy and it started raining after a while so we sat under an umbrella :)
When me and my sister came home from practice, we were cooks. We cooked chicken in coconut and peanut butter(:D) sauce with rice and rhubarb pie for dessert :D and we had a happy family dinner :) I'm reallllly full right now...



Imorgon klockan 12:10 lämnar jag Louisville i ett flygplan. Klockan 14:14 landar jag i Newark, NY och väntar där i 4 timmar. Sedan bär det iväg till London, Heathrow där jag kommer landa 06:25 på Söndag morgon. Därefter kommer jag förhoppningsvis att boarda det sista planet, det som leder till hem. Hem till Älskade Stockholm, Sverige, Arlanda. I cant wait!!! 


1 week :D

Nu sitter jag här i mitt rum på Betty Johnsson Hall, som mer och mer börjar likna en fängelsecell efter att jag tagit ner alla fina posters från väggarna, och ser ut över den något så när organiserade röran på golvet. Högen Ta med hem ser oroveckande stor ut med tanke på utrymmet i de två väskor jag hade tänkt checka in som bagage. 
Imorgon måste vi vara utflyttade från Betty, så de senaste dagarna har Lacey och jag varit sysselsatta med att packa ihop hela vårt rum. Vi flyttar allt till Gavins hus där Lacey och Sara ska bo under sommaren. Jag kommer även att bo där med dem min sista vecka här. Just det, min sista vecka här. Jag kommer hem till Sverige om en vecka. En vecka! Det är verkligen helt sjukt att det redan har gått ett helt år - my freshman year of college is over! Jag längtar hem jättemycket just nu, men samtidigt vill jag ändå inte åka härifrån. Jag kommer sakna Louisville och alla här!

Ses snart!


Derby Week

Det märks att det är Derby-vecka i Louisville. Varje gång man åker någonstans ser man minst fem limousiner på vägen och private jets flyger tätt över våra huvuden. Alla är här för att klä upp sig i sina stora derby hattar och sätta sig på Churchill Downs och kolla på horse races. Idag inleds nämligen höjdpnunkten i Kentucky Derby festival - själva derbyt. 
Det är mycket annat som är på gång förutom själva derbyt, igår var vi till exempel på Gavin DeGraw konsert nere vid floden! Sjukt bra! Vi cyklade dit ner och hade lite pickninck i gräset. Det enda minuset var att det kom små (en väldigt stor) regnskurar så vi blev lite kalla mot slutet. Men men, det var absolut värt det! 
